1. My reading goal was to at least have read 15 books from all different types of genres that seem interesting to me as soon I turned the first page. Sadly, I read only 11 books. I have failed to reach my goal. I wasn't able to reach my goal due to the fact the book club books were somewhat challenging, that slowed me down as the reader. I was able to find that I increased my vocabulary throughout all the books I've read in my way.
2. The books I have read are: 1) Thirteen Reasons Why
2) Lessons From a Dead Girl
3) Perfect Chemistry
4) Extremely Loud and Incredible Close
5) Sex, Drugs and Cocoa Puffs-abandoned
6) My Heart and Other Black Holes
7) The Book Thief
8) The Namesake
9) The Room
10) Ball don't Lie
11) The Distance Between Us
3. The book that I enjoyed the most was Perfect Chemistry. This book was filled with suspense lurking in every corner making us, the reader, keep reading and not want us to drop the book for one second. The book was about a "perfect" teenager wanting the best out of her parents, when in the other hand the guy was to carry his family over his shoulders, and was a gang member by legacy since his dad was one. They weren't meant to fall in love. Although they did, everyone was against their love, so they went hidden. Hidden from the public, with lies in every move they did so they wouldn't get caught. At the end, the author did a good job closing the book with the ending everyone wasn't expecting to happen. They reunited after a long time going to same college. The author did a good job to make us, the reader, feel as if we are in the actual scene, feeling what the characters are going through, and building up our thirst to know whats coming next.
4. The hardest book I have read was, The Namesake, due to the complexity of understanding another persons culture and religion. The vocabulary wasn't the toughest part in the book because I was able to understand it with no difficulty whatsoever, but the actual hard part was being able to captivate all the different customs going along in the book. As a child from Mexicans, we have different traditions and religions. When i was reading the book, I would make notes to all the different things going along. Being married by the parents choice, eating chicken differently, getting named by your grandmas choice, those were just some of the traditions done. This book consumed most of the time to read. It wasn't really interesting as I thought it was going to be. I would constant forget what was happening in the book if I wouldn't make note of what was going. It was DEFINITELY, boring to read.
5. My greatest are of strength as a reader was being able to find some rhetorical devices as in the different irony, similes, metaphors, etc. Especially in irony, I had a lot of fun being able to study ironic literature due to the fact I am very ironic myself. The different twists that can be made with irony had this sense of humor to me that actually helped me when I would write poetry. Poetry helped me a lot in finding the different devices being used. Some were tricky due to the fact they were more than one device in a single sentence. I would have so much fun being able just to write and being able to identify these devices along my way reading.
6. As a reader, and my second year of A.P. english. my vocabulary has improved. Yet, I know I can do way better than what I have been typing and reading. I need to challenge myself to read fiction books due to the fact they will help increase my vocabulary. I have always read non-fiction, and the fact they aren't hard to read is what catches my attention, but I should start looking towards fiction because I am sure, whenever I get a hold of pen and use the new words
I have learned my grading score would be way better than now.
7. Well I never had a teacher conference about reading with the teacher. They would've helped me in just putting that little extra pressure making me want to read more. Maybe then I would've reached my goal and actually pass this reading check were about to have. I would've probably would've chosen difficult books and I would loved to read fiction books.
8. Me being apart of a reading community benefited me by being able to go thorough the passages given to us. They made finding the themes to the passages easier. When we would have our harkeness discussions we made easier to read easy texts and find themes a lot quicker than they were to be able to find them ourselves.